What is God’s calling for me?

Pursuant to my earlier post on Venn diagrams, I was amazed to find a Venn diagram in the book I’ve been looking for for the longest time! I first came across Max Lucado’s ‘Cure for the Common Life’ a few years back through a friend’s recommendation and remembered liking it very much because it speaks of a highly relevant issue that many of us face: trying to find out what God’s calling is for us. Because it’s so well-written, I think the blurb bears quoting in full:

“Ever swung a baseball bat or paddled a Ping-Pong ball? If so, you know the oh-so-nice feel of the sweet spot. Life in the sweet spot rolls like the downhill side of a downward bike ride. But you don’t have to swing a bat or a club to know this. What engineers give sports equipment, God gave you. A zone, a region, a life precinct in which you were made to dwell. He tailored the curves of your life to fit an empty space in His jigsaw puzzle. And life makes sweet sense when you find your spot.”

And I like this part, because it is a very real phenomenon for many people I know and love:

“But if you’re like 70% of working adults, you haven’t found it. You don’t find meaning in your work, or you don’t believe your talents are used. What can you do? You’re suffering from the common life, and you desperately need a cure.

And here’s the Venn diagram in the book:

FInding your Sweet Spot in Life

The big idea in Lucado’s book is: Use your uniqueness (what you do) to make a big deal out of God (why you do it) every day of your life (where you do it). And at the convergence of the three, there we’ll find the cure for the common life: our own sweet spot that God has always intended for us.

And while searching for this Venn diagram, I came across another one, which is a little cheeky and funny:

Finding your Dream Job

~ by irwin on May 28, 2011.

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